It is with true warmth and excitement that we welcome you to our blog. In this space, we are documenting our first pregnancy. Our intention is to create a backdrop for memories we can look back on in the years to come. We know that pregnancy is a subject of mixed emotions for many folks. So, we decided to offer this blog as an opportunity for our close friends and family to follow along at a pace that feels right for them. Accordingly, you will see fairly little of our pregnancy documented on social media channels. Feel free to hit the subscribe button to receive email notifications for new posts, or just check in from time to time when you are curious how we're doing.
As you read our stories, please note that this space was created primarily as an outlet for our journey. Our posts include details of our lives that we would share in personal conversations with those we know and love. We trust that you will be charitable readers and followers. Should you choose to engage in our comments section, please be thoughtful of our hearts, as well as those of other readers. We welcome continued conversation, if a post sparks further curiosity. This was never intended to replace the joy we experience when visiting with our loved ones, but rather an opportunity for those who want to delve in to do so without us feeling like we are overburdening those would prefer to stay in the shadows. So, feel free to give us a call or send us a text if you would like to chat about our adventure, further.
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