Over the course of the 1st two weeks, we struggled to keep our excitement to ourselves. It was particularly challenging to attend a family wedding where everyone wanted to remark on Ben's uncanny "Dad Jokes."
Kiersten was in need of a new OB. So, a search ensued, and we were able to secure our first appointment. Kiersten had to venture alone, since Ben was working. She was able to take home a handful of ultrasound photos though. He couldn't contain his excitement and demanded to see right them away! She found herself anxiously snapping photos in the church parking lot before religious ed class, desperately hoping mom wouldn't come walking up any second!
Unfortunately, 6 weeks along brought a bout of classic morning sickness. Having grown up a "tough gal," it never occurred to Kiersten that she wouldn't be able to manage a bit of nausea. She could not have been further from reality. Over the course of a few short days, "I'll wait to tell my boss until the 2nd trimester," quickly became "If I don't tell my boss, he's going to think I'm playing hooky!"
As the HR manager, Kiersten enjoys the challenging privilege of being the only human resources person for their small family of hotels. She also enjoys the phenomenal privilege of sharing an office with the boss, himself. She and Dan have developed a fun-loving relationship over the past two years, and she decided to take full advantage of this in our first pregnancy reveal. On a previous Halloween, Dan acquired a "Boss Baby" mask, larger than life and all sorts of creepy. He kept it in the office and occasionally pulled it out to keep Kiersten on her toes. Playing on his fondness for the character and her important role as HR Manager, she prepared the following announcement:
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